Without meditation, where is peace?  Without peace, where is happiness?                                                                                                         the Bhagavad Gita

World Enlightenment meditation


Full Moon Solstice

Friday 21 June

Time: 6:45 – 8:15pm

Join me for the potent Full Moon where we will sit in circle to connect with the higher frequencies for ourselves and for the Earth’s ascension.

The energies will be potent in this sacred circle as we drop deep into our heart space. I will call in the ascended masters, spiritual guides and divine teachers of the Light to journey with us in the Full Moon energies.

The Full Moon gives us the opportunity of releasing the old, of whatever has been held that bars your way to a greater aspect of yourself. Take this opportunity of to align more fully with your Soul Light with the support and guidance of the Divine Beings who will be connecting in with us.

Fee: $25

Where:  Jayanti’s Sacred Sanctuary, 12-14 Executive Drive, Burleigh Waters

Contact Jayanti to book and for full entry details – 0415 382272 or info@jayantijay.com

Bookings are essential as spaces are limited!

book here

Group Meditation Evenings

These are nights of sacred sounds and heart guided meditation.

To all Starseeds and Light workers join me for this high service

to work with Mother Earth by adding your light with hers for ascension

We sit on the threshold of the greatest shift in consciousness in the history of humanity. Our meditation is to shine our Soul Light out around the globe to assist in humanity’s awakening and shifting into a place of Love and living from our Heart space.

We are living in crucial times!  Your soul choose to be present at this time to add its magical energy, with many other Lightworkers, in the shifting to the Enlightened era.

These will be evenings for Soul Alignment and Planetary Healing. We will be connecting in with Source Light and anchoring the Light on Earth. Uplifting the consciousness of humanity. Its aimed at assisting the timeline of the new era.

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Meditation Class
What to learn how to meditate or to go deeper in your existing practice?

A chance to dive deep in your heart, connecting with your Soul and pure Source energy.

Jayanti offers individual meditation sessions giving you the opportunity of discovering the best meditation style to suit you. There are many styles of meditation. Discover the gift of quietening the mind through a regular practice.

About meditating within a group

When we come together in circle we are able to realise a deeper level of stillness within through the combined energies of the circle and the Divine Beings who come to guide us.

Through heart centered meditation we raise the vibration for ourselves, our communities and our world!

Meditating within a sacred circle greatly amplifies the energies allowing you the opportunity to gain a deeper connection within yourself. Jayanti’s guided meditations are focused on your Soul connection and chakra alignment, enabling you to be more present and consciously aware in your life.

Neuroscientists refer to the tendency that humans pay more attention to negative experiences rather than create life affirming thoughts. Through regular meditation you have the potential of changing your focus to a higher frequency of positivity and enjoyment.